Moving to Minnesota and more
2018 was a whirlwind of a year for K Schulz Photography but more for the myself and the Loeffler household. At the end of 2017 we had 3 boys, our two cats Leroy and Ralph and our relatively new aussie puppy Rhett. We also found out at the very end of 2017 that we were expecting.
In february of 2018 life got a bit more crazy. I was photographing dogs at Paws of Rutherford County when I came across an adorable australian shepherd mix puppy. I couldn’t resist him and like I always do I sent my husband a text with his picture. This time though my husband replied that Rhett could use a friend! Chris hurried over from work on his lunch break to meet this sweet baby. We both instantly fell in love and decided he needed to be part of the family.

We had yet to tell the world we were pregnant so in one fell swoop we announced our pregnancy with a picture of all 4 of our boys. Which in turn announced our new puppy Montgomery. To say we were crazy might be an understatement but I couldn’t imagine life without any of my sweet boys.

When we found out the sex of our baby I knew I’d be outnumbered for the rest of my life. It was a boy! that’s right ladies I’m here surviving 6-1, so much testosterone in one household!
Baby boy wasn’t due until august so I thought I had time to adjust to life with a new puppy, but I was wrong. Chris learned of a job opportunity in Minnesota and we decided being closer to family with a little one on the way wasn’t a bad idea. In April we made the trek up to the great white north to interview and look at potential houses. There was a blizzard the day we left, our flight was cancelled but we managed to rent a car and drive up. Keep in mind we really hadn’t seen snow in 4 years so snow in April was quite the shock.
Fast forward to the summertime. We found a house and bought it site unseen. We officially made the move to minnesota We drove our cars and 4 fur babies from Tennessee to Minnesota. 2 very short months later our boy Fitzgerald was born.

Like I said 2018 was a whirlwind of a year. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now we are settled (well sort of) into our new home and enjoying the time we have with our 5 babies. I can’t wait to see what 2019 has to offer. Here’s hoping its slightly more chill.

I hope you all had a great year and are looking forward to 2019. I cant wait to share my year, my boys and of course my beautiful clients both furry and not, with you!