Equestrian photography by K Schulz Pet Portraits
If you didn’t see my blog earlier last week all about the horse photography workshop I attended you should check it out. These equestrian photography images are a continuation of those.
We had two sweet young ladies who braved the cold weather to get beautiful pictures with their horses. Their moms run Rise & Shine Stables in Cambridge Minnesota. These girls are no stranger to horses and genuinely love these majestic creatures.
We started with some portraits of the girls and their horse. Nice close up of them loving on their sweet horses. An outfit and horse change later we started doing a few of the girls on their horses. After that it was time to ride, and bare back no less!
They started with some slower paced jaunts around a small fenced in pen. After that they didn’t full on galloping in the larger yard. These girls sure can ride and showed no fear of riding bare back in the snow.
It was a pleasure working alongside galloping dreams photography at her horse photography workshop. I truly enjoyed all I learned and all the beautiful images I was able to capture.