Helpful tips for Finding a New Place to Live With Your Pet
Purchasing a new home can be complicated financially and difficult emotionally, and adding a pet into the mix can increase the intensity of both factors. But for many pet owners, their animal is a part of the family, and moving to a new place without it is inconceivable. Guest blogger Cindy Aldridge of lists some things to keep in mind when looking for a new home with a pet.
Is There Space for Your Pet?
It seems obvious that your new home will need adequate space for your pet to thrive, but, as This Old House notes, the question is more nuanced than you might think. If you’re looking into buying a condo or a townhouse instead of a standalone property and it has a homeowner’s association covenant or other ownership rules, make sure your rabbit is welcome.
Whether you’re looking at properties online or in-person, you’ll have to think about how you’ll store its food, toys, and other accessories, as well as where it’s likely to spend most of its time. It may not be necessary to dedicate an entire room, but at least a section of your living room or some other space will need to be suitable for it to feel comfortable. If you’re able to get a home with a backyard, it would be the optimal choice if you have a dog, so they can spend some time outdoors.
Indoors or Outdoors?
While it’s generally better and safer for pets to be raised indoors, spending some quality time outside can provide a change of scenery for your pet and give it something fun to do. If the yard is an open space, you should consult with a contractor to get estimates on fencing the yard. Keep in mind that companies might be offering deals in your local area, and if you aren’t sure about what’s available, finding the right contractor can be easier online. This will help prevent your pet from escaping and also protect it from being attacked by predators such as coyotes, stray dogs, foxes, and other animals. You also need to take steps to prevent your fur baby from getting parasites when it spends time outdoors.
Transporting Your Pet the Right Way
Once you’ve figured everything else out, you’ll still have to transport your pet to the new home safely in order to complete the moving process. UPack points out that animals can suffer from anxiety during the transportation process, especially when riding in vehicles. Make sure its carrying case or cage is in a safe spot and that it’s protected from sudden movements when traveling. Give it a toy or blanket it’s familiar with during long rides, and of course, make sure it has adequate food and water.
Roving to a New Place
Moving to a new place can be scary and nerve-wracking for you and your pet. Don’t let it overwhelm you; by carefully preparing each step, finding the right property, and ensuring that your furry friend is comfortable and safe, you can have an easy move and a great time with your pet at your new place. And of course, you’ll want to commemorate the big move by getting photos with your pet once you’ve settled into your new home. Give K Schulz Photography a call today to set it up! 630-222-9124